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Aleta & Garrett — Minted
1/16/2022 UPDATES
Unfortunately, the shuttle has been cancelled. Please find alternative transportation. Please see travel page for other options. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please see updated Covid-19 Guidelines under "Additional Details."




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Our Story

In August 2015, Aleta & Garrett met one fateful day on eHarmony. Garrett’s profile came across her view and she said “I want that one!” Shy, she decided to send him a smile as an icebreaker and hoped he would reciprocate by engaging her in a conversation. That did not happen of course, as Garrett likes to test peoples resolve, he smiled right back. Once they finally began to converse, they never stopped. Talking for hours on the phone while simultaneously stalking each other on social media and laughing together at what they found; eventually, they decided to meet.
Garrett being a gentleman and Aleta being smart, they decided to have their first meeting in a public place. This was later referred to as the “serial killer date” to ensure neither one was crazy (in a bad way at least). Thankfully, Aleta never looked in the glove box of Garrett’s truck to see the saw, duct tape, garbage bags, rope, and zip ties he forgot were in there from when he went camping. They hit it off immediately, talking for hours while having no idea what they were saying because they were both too focused on this new wonderful person they were spending time with. A few days later, Aleta was wondering how to introduce Garrett at her upcoming birthday party. He unknowingly solved that problem by “informing” Aleta that they were officially a couple by referring to her as his girlfriend. He didn’t know he was supposed to ask… Luckily for him, she was ecstatic and they became “Facebook official” immediately.
Even though Aleta and Garrett lived 70 miles apart, they never missed an opportunity to see each other. Garrett would always drive up every Tuesday night to Marin, and Aleta would drive down every weekend to San Jose. In Marin they would go on moonlit walks on the many beaches or drive into the mountains, enjoying each other’s company and falling in love with each other more every day. In October 2017, Aleta moved in with Garrett into his San Jose apartment. This is when they confirmed they both had the same style of weird.
Whether it be making robot noises to each other, creating a nonsensical love-language only the two of them can understand, or having too many late night slumber parties with just the two of them; they continue to bond every day and grow their love for one another through the tough times, the fun times, and the adventure times.
In the most recent chapter of their story, Garrett and Aleta were engaged to be married while on their trip to Saratoga, WY. In a stand of trees, next to Mirror Lake, with a dusting of snow on the ground, Garrett completely surprised Aleta on one knee by popping the question, “Will uh… will you marry me?” Naturally, Aleta said, “Yes!” but only after saying “Oh my God!” several times and freaking out (in a good way) for about 10 seconds. At least this time he asked.
Aleta and Garrett are looking forward to the amazing journey ahead. They are ecstatic to be walking down the trail of the future together, hand in hand with their favorite person.